School of Christ Study to show thyself approved unto God

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Are America's Days Numbered?

Any Bible-believing Christian with even an ounce of discernment can clearly see the signs of Christ's return. It doesn't take some scholar to figure out that what Jesus talked about in Matthew 24 and 25 is coming to pass before our very eyes. And now that America has decided to see Obama -- a sinful man -- as more important than Jesus, things may change faster than we thought possible.

The truth is that mankind has always found a way to follow someone other than the Almighty. Whether you look at Adam and Eve choosing the serpent over God, or the children of Israel choosing a golden calf rather than the Almighty, man has a way of showing how ungrateful and easily deceived he really is. And now we have another poll that shows the same type of behavior.

A new Harris interactive pool shows Obama has finished above Jesus Christ as the most popular figure in America. Can you picture that? What does that say about what people really think? I know that Mr. Obama has made messianic-like statements about his potential, but this is really sickening.

Will those who look to Obama over Jesus also offer prayers to him? Sadly, they already do. No, they probably don't fall down on their knees and cry out to him but they certainly DO look to him as "the one" who will finally fix all the world's problems. Many contact him and his people to get their "prayers" answered. Too bad these people are setting themselves up for incredible disappointment. And the other ramification is even more alarming.

The Scripture teaches that "In Him we live and move and have our being" referring to the Almighty not some unrepentant sinner who was elected to some political office. If Obama were really a Bible believing Christian he would do everything in his power to stop this blaspemous line of thinking. But instead, he and his cronies continue to promote this very thing. There was another arrogant political ruler named Herod who allowed the same type of thing to go on. And his end was not good (Acts 12:21-23).

America needs to repent from our having turned our collective backs on Jesus Christ, the true Savior of all mankind. And if America does not repent, then the end may be as quick and gruesome as it was for Herod.

You can read the whole report by going here.


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