School of Christ Study to show thyself approved unto God

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Who's Getting The Glory?

MSNBC has an article on their web site regarding the Schuller's and the "Crystal Cathedral." The story states that they're having "financial" difficulties and there's turmoil within the family. But the problem is bigger than that.

The simple truth, as mentioned in the article, is that the "ministry" is treated as a family business. For any born-again Bible believing Christian it's obvious that this is the source of the problem. If the best they can say is that it's the family business, then it's not of God.

Oh, I'm sure some will say that the outward trappings of this "ministry" are the proof of God's blessing. But that's the same proof the Pharisees offered to Jesus and He corrected that thinking. The simple fact is that if God -- more specifically - Jesus is at the center of it, then He'll see them through the difficult times. However, it seems apparent that Jesus isn't at the center of it and probably never will be as long as it's run as a family business.

You can read the whole story yourself by clicking here.

Even though Schuller blames the recession for their problems, it should be obvious that the real problem IS the fact that Jesus isn't the center of attention, the Schuller family is. Still, perhaps if they repent and start preaching a Bible-based Gospel message rather than their man-pleasing pop psychology the Lord would see them through it. Either way, we can learn from this.


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