School of Christ Study to show thyself approved unto God

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Hope and Change? How About Blessed Hope!

For all the talk here in America about "Hope and Change" I think it's obvious that nothing's really going to change; at least not for the better. Yet people talk about having "hope." The question is, hope in what?

Unfortunately, too many people are putting their hope in a man. That's it. I don't care how smart or charismatic someone is, that person is still a sinful human being. And the sad part is that millions of people who profess Christ actually voted for someone who is truly an enemy of Christ.

Oh, I know our new President talks a good game, but most wolves in sheep's clothing do. Jesus said to judge a tree by its fruit. And the fruit that I've seen in this man's very short and indistinguished career appears to be rotten to the core. Yet people are putting their hope in his words and that's a recipe for eventual despair.

Yet true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ don't have to be troubled or despair. Why? Because we're not putting our hope or faith in a mere sinful human being. We're putting our hope in the King of kings and Lords of lords.

The Apostle Paul said it this way to Titus while encouraging his young protege: "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13)

Our Lord Jesus' imminent return is the Blessed Hope that every true believer should be looking for. One of these days we're going to hear the trumpet and the shout of the archangel and in the twinkling of an eye we believers will be caught up to be with Him forever.

Now THAT's hope!


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